The woman’s body has been under attack by the medical system for over 50 years. “Cut, poison, and burn” are the answers we are given when we have a symptom. How many people know that when you have low back pain, hip pain, swollen legs or feet, varicose veins, bladder infections, yeast infections, toe fungus, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, ovarian cysts, fibroids, tumors, painful love making, heavy periods, PMS, or infertility, that all of these conditions stemmed from issues with the large intestine?

98% of the population has a “leaky gut.” The first domino that falls is the large intestine. If you’ve got any kind of symptoms going on in your body, you’ve got “leaky gut,” or, rather, “leaky large intestine.”
When you are not eating correctly, not chewing well, not “food combining” appropriately, eating in a rush, or eating when upset, you do not digest well. Digestion slows down, and that meal you just ate starts to putrefy. When this happens, your meal ends up feeding bad bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Fungi are the worst to develop because they drill holes in the large intestine, allowing anything passing through it the opportunity to drop into the pelvic bowl, creating a manure pile.